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I believe it's so important to keep life interesting and exciting, by being spontaneous. That could mean going for a surprise trip in the car to a different ice-cream shop, taking an unexpected day trip, telling everyone to pack an overnight bag for a little road trip, or buying spur of the moment plane tickets. It will force everyone you love to spend some quality time together, away from the regular daily responsibilities and "distractions". I find being "away" together with loved ones is the most precious, memorable time. Without the responsibilities of laundry, dishes, practices, work, and people pulling at your attention, you can just BE together. It's when the best conversations happen. It's when everyone can BREATHE, and relax. It's when you have time to play a board game or cards, go for a swim, soak in the sun, learn about something, experience something different or just talk. Do yourself a favour, and grab someone you love and get away from your life, no matter how great it is. Take a break. It doesn't have to be long. Hop in the car or on your bikes and have an adventure. In the end, nothing matters more than the time we spend with those that we love most. Happy Adventuring! 

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