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What's the Value of Travel?

In the article, "Spending Money on Experiences Makes You a Better Person", author, Amanda MacMillan, compares the value of spending money on experiences with material things. I whole-heartedly agree that EXPERIENCES add the greatest value to life. She sites research done by well renowned universities, but I find the data found to be underwhelming, as opposed to personal experiences of my own and others. I believe that spending time and money on experiences (alone or with loved ones) is EXPONENTIALLY more valuable than any material object. For me, these are the things that bring me the greatest joy, inspiration, peace, and fulfillment. Seeing a concert, a play, going on an hour road trip, or an intercontinental trip are the things that make up my greatest memories and happiest times. There's no piece of jewelry or article of clothing that can achieve that type of happiness for me (and I love those things too), but if I had to choose, experiences all the way for me! How about you?

#makinmemories is my favorite thing. :)

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